It helps, of course, that LawBreakers’ game modes are such a great showcase for its systems. Simply play it, explore it, enjoy it, and the understanding will come much faster than you think. It has a high skill-ceiling alright, but the way that LawBreakers tutors you feels less like teaching and more like it’s planting knowledge into your head via osmosis. I’ve become adept (or at least decently functional) with six of the nine classes so far, and each time the journey has been the same: A first game spent wondering what the hell is going on, and trying (perhaps too hard) to make sense of my new character amid mild frustration, followed by a moment, not long later, where everything suddenly just clicks, the clouds part, and a whole new game appears. There’s something lightly magical about the deft combination of control-feel, audio-visual feedback, and quietly telling ability cooldown timers, that parses knowledge almost ambiently. There’s a reason I use the word ‘discovery’ there, rather than ‘learning’, and that reason is the uncommon ease with which LawBreakers’ sometimes initially confounding classes reveal the fun. Not that this long-tail of discovery makes for an intimidating prospect. LawBreakers might make its giddy first impressions with bold, brash, high-flying speed – there’s a zero-g area on every map, capable of generating surreally cinematic shoot-outs whenever engaged – but it’s also a gleefully intricate, deceptively intelligent sandbox, holding buried treasures aplenty. While LawBreakers maintains the immediate, kinetic, exhilaration of all the best FPS, at the same time its malleable depths and steadily unfurling systemic secrets give it the soul of a fighting game. Others excel when thrown into the right environmental scenario, or at the correct objective, or have some deeper functionality that counters a seemingly impossible assault if played right. Some are quietly hinged around a key ability, which binds, amplifies, and recontextualises all of their others in an initially unseen way - the way the Juggernaut shield can be used to create bottlenecks and flanking points, for instance, in order to feed opponents toward his shotgun. While LawBreakers’ immediate and instinctive movement and shooting are never less than a delight, whoever you’re playing as, a little further exploration reveals that each class is far more than the sum of its parts. They’re the start of a staggering amount of fun, mind, but that fun - while quickly accessible - will expand exponentially during your first few days’ play. But surface class abilities are really just the start of it.